Chandigarh Police has announced a Notification for the recruitment of Constable Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
For Ex-Servicemen, 10 + 2 or Certificates awarded in the Defence Services which are recognised as equivalent to 10 + 2.
Driving Skills
Possession of a valid driving licence to drive both, two-wheelers and four-wheel vehicles, is mandatory for male candidates of all categories as on the date of submission of online application.
Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here by visiting Indian Navy official website Candidates may submit their online application starting by following below mentioned steps.
Scroll down, go to Important Web-Links section .
Click on the “Online Application Form” and complete the registration process.
In the next stage, click on “Online Application Form” Link and Login.
Fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.
At the end, pay the application fee and submit the form.
Don’t forget to take a print out of the application form.